Monday, April 27, 2009

I've Got a New Post!

EDM 164, that's what I've drawn! I just did front views as it fit for my journal page that way but I drew THREE of them.
After drawing nothing for a long time, it feels good to do so again. Not only that but I have a new spread in my journal. Everytime I visit my grandkids they go through my journals but lately I haven't had much to show. Hopefully I can get more done than just one spread but at least I got this one done.
I used Pitt pens and watercolor pencils. These pencils are from a new set of Faber Castell pencils and I just found one drawback to them - they don't fit in my electric pencil sharpener! Otherwise I love them. They draw so smoothly.
Hope you have a picture worthy spring day!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I am at my daughter's house where we went for a walk a mile uphill to their local cross. I am not used to such a climb!

My youngest granddaughter made the Easter basket from a paper plate at school. Since I didn't do any artwork for Easter, I thought I would share hers.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Color Test

I bought the new set of Derwent Inktense pencils. They now have 72 colors! I've heard at least some of the colors, are pretty poor in light-fastness so I am conducting my own test. I am putting down a fairly thick layer of each color onto notebook paper using the lines to help guide me (notebook paper will only accept so much of the lead -hmmm, what should I call it - it's not lead and it's not pigment - any help here??). Then I am cutting each page lengthwise into three strips. One goes onto a sunny window ledge, one out in good room light but no direct sunlight, and one strip into a closed book. At the end of a month I will put the three strips back together and we'll see if there is any fading and how much. I will be testing all 72 colors. Stay tuned!