Monday, October 18, 2010

Gosh, Gouache Is Tougher Than I Thought

I found using gouache I'd dried in a palette hard to use for a picture. I've heard people use it this way and some are what I call terrific journalers and painters. So why did I have such a hard time. Well I got splotchiness in spots. In other places I couldn't layer or the color underneath lifted. I ended up accenting with ink to clean it all up. I could sure use whatever suggestions anyone has for using it.


  1. I really don't use gouache enough to be able to give you any help, Timaree. When I do use it, it's usually in conjunction with regular watercolor. Hope someone can offer some ideas to help!

    However, I do like the image you've created and I would never have guessed it gave you a fit!

  2. Really nice illustration. And yes my cat's still missing. I can't do much about it, and I am missing him so much. My wife is more excited about getting a new cat, I guess I am more attached to the cat since I was always home with him, feeding him and playing with him. It hurts everytime to think that he's not around

  3. You have such a charming style! I too have a hard time using gouache as it gets so hard. So I don't like to put it on my palette. What I do is squeeze a little in one of those tiny sushi bowls that you mix the wasabi (the hot stuff) and soy sauce in. Then when I want to use it, I rinse it with a bunch of water or just add more gouache. I usually only use white so I am not sure this would be convenient if you use a bunch of colors.

  4. Well- I thought I had commented on this one- but I see I haven't. I simply love this image. It's so quaint and stylized and just wonderful! The pattern of the rug under the dotted chair is fabulous.


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