Here it is in all the glory it's going to get! This is my pear. Thanks so much Ann for the tutorial and thanks to everyone who has been keeping an eye on the project.
I left the border and the extra bit of paper on the bottom because I am wondering if I want to add "Pear" in calligraphy (Ann, was this a Bartlet?) or maybe something more in that space. I also am wondering about a background. What would any of you do? Leave it white, add some colored pencil - and what color would you use? I'm rather stumped at this point so thinking it'll probably remain white. All opinions welcome!
So once again, check out Blue Bird Hill as she can inspire you too!
Art All Around Us
Hello! We've had rain. Drats, I should have taken pictures of the water
rushing over the edges of the gutters and my backyard puddling so my feet
got wet w...
11 years ago