Saturday, June 4, 2011

More Pear

Second stage of my pear! So far so good but I'm worrying I've added too much color now for the next stage. I might have filled the tooth of the paper. We'll see. Stay tuned!

As always, check out Ann's Bluebird Hill blog for the tutorial and some wonderful art!


  1. It looks amazing! You are doing a terrific job. If you have trouble applying the next layers of color, just lift a little with a kneaded eraser. Although there isn't that much more to go. And from what I can see it looks like you will be just fine :-)

  2. It looks good! There are many ways to lift color, or even to spray things on top that more layers will adhere too. (I've read about it, but never tried it)
    Experiment! See what happens!

  3. It looks like it's going to be perfect! I enjoyed browsing through all your blog page, and looking at your fine and fun artwork!


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