Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Inchy for the Week

The theme for this week's inchy is rain or water. I chose to use dewdrops on a flower. The flower is drawn with Prismacolor pencils on a dark gray/blue background. If you'd like to try one just use a 1 inch format and in any medium depict something about water or rain. Then post a link at the Inchybyinch blog so everyone can see what you've done. It's easy, fits every style of art and it's fun. C'mon and try one!


  1. These inchies are adorable! I've never done anything like that and will have to give it a whirl.

    Thanks for you comment on sketchbooks - it's nice to know what other people do with their books.

  2. To think I thought your talent was in your beadwork! Now I see how much talent you have in a completely different medium! This is just beautiful. I cant believe the detail you have given this piece in a 1 inch increment!

  3. Hmmm...I think I might give it a go! These are really cute! :)


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