Friday, December 3, 2010

Suggestions Please!

This is meant to be an oval inset into my Christmas cards. I figure the cards will be a color, probably red but maybe something else. The greenery got too top heavy and now it looks unbalanced. Does anyone have any suggestions for improving the balance? Or any other suggestions to make it better even "start over"?


  1. half way down the bulb and to the right and not lined up with the highlight but a little to the left---imagine a straight line to the bottom of the oval--right in that area is where something straght would complete a good design--something like a pen or bush etc---straight edged---etc.../.see what I mean ?....winna

  2. With either colored pencils or another opaque media, work some *reflections* into the lower left side of the ornament. Once that area is highlighted more, the green will calm down.
    Since ornaments always reflect what is around them, it gives you leeway for what type of *highlight* design to put in.
    That should fix it!


  3. Maybe if you put patterns on the ball the detailing will even out the little composition and give the ornament more weight.

  4. I like it! It's so funny that you should post this picture today... This morning I had a boring meeting, and I drew almost the same composition with ballpoint pen on a post-it note! But my ornament had a bow on it.
    Yours looks great! I like the suggestions that the artists gave you here. They can come give me suggestions any time too!

  5. Great start, Timaree! Two thoughts...the bulb (if it's really shiny) would reflect whatever is around greenery. Second, there would be greenery below the bulb as well as above it.

    Get out your white pen and write Merry Christmas on the ball...or add a design with a darker red...add more greenery at the bottom. You've got lots of options here!

  6. Without having read the others' comments, I thought that adding a branch below the ball coming up and off to one side would be a good addition. I also like the suggestion of the other, but to me, it needs a spot of green at the bottom to unify it and help the composition. Something to remember that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY over the year: My oil painting teacher Abbe Rose Cox - a very wise and talented artist - told me that "nature plants in odd lots." It's so true. I always have an odd number of whatever it is - in this case it would be little branches. If there were 3 or 5 instead of six and maybe the top one were left off, it would look more true to life. Adding another short branch might help - maybe a darker one over the top of the others that is a different length, thickness, and value from the rest would solve all the problems. As if it were on top of all the others and sort of leading your eye down to the ornament. Although I still like the idea of some green at the bottom LOL

  7. Well, first, I think it already looks very good ^^! The bulb with its shine is perfect. I like the ideas of the other commenters - I'd put something in the bottom left part, too, like maybe little blue and white ice stars (sorry the real name of these things eludes me even in my own language : ( ... Maybe with a stamp, you know?
    Anyway, great work!
    And, I've read your Thanksgiving cooking program... people living around you are lucky ^^! (going to make myself some lunch now, you made me hungry!)

  8. I like it... it's at this stage that I'm always afraid to fiddle with something... I have to remind myself it is only paper and paint... so no fear. I too thought a bit of greenery showing under and sticking out to the side...

  9. I find it beautiful. I can see where the oval will be but would love to see it with a few different colors of paper over it. Will the frame be a solid color, covered with a design, or just a design/words around the oval or at the bottom/left/right. I'd decide this before changing anything.

  10. I think I'd make the fir darker and then add a shadow under the bauble. Don't start over I love it. I only suggest such changes because you asked. Ha! Take a photocopy of it and play with that first, before you change the original. I would put it in a plain white or ivory card, not a dark colour.

    Thank you for your kind message re Fluffy. We went back to the vet today.

  11. I agree with the other suggestions. I also keep thinking you should add a little glitter decoration around the bulb, but I think that's because I have one like that! You have a great start!

  12. Love it! =) Glitters sounds fun, I think that's the right direction ;)

  13. Wow, all those great ideas! Wonderful! and your drawing is delightful


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